Thursday, 3 May 2012

Christmas is Coming!

It may seem a little early to worry, but Christmas is only a few crafting months away. It's a busy time of year anyway, but when you're trying to do a Handmade Christmas that hecticness becomes even more magnified. But let's face it, we'd all like to save a little money while still giving awesome and thoughtful gifts, right?
Well, fear not! Cheery Chicken is here to help!
Over the next few months I am going to post tutorials on some beautiful, simple and effective crafts that will make a range of lovely gifts for all the family. Most of them will be so simple that you can make them with your children, so don't think you need to be adept at crochet or an expert at embroidery! After the tutorial has been posted I will be giving away at least one sample of each craft (maybe more!) to one of the lucky subscribers to my blog, so not only will there be lots of fabulous gift ideas to make, there will be fabulous gifts too!
If there are any crafts you would like to see me attempt, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, get subscribing! I'm off to work on my first tutorial, so watch this space!

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