Thursday, 2 January 2014

A Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope you've all had a lovely break, happy holidays, and a fabulously festive time with family and friends. I know I have!

Last year had plenty of ups and downs, a lot of challenges that I could have done without, but luckily there were enough smiles to keep me going, and thanks to my Smiles Jar I can relive them now.

This is the first year I have done one of these Jars of Joy, or Memory Jars, but it certainly won't be the last. I used mine to focus on the little things that would otherwise be forgotten. For example, this one from September read:
"Corban was off sick because his braces hurt so badly. But for some reason every time he left the lounge he scuttled back and forth past the door doing a crab impression."

I had completely forgotten that, now I remember how much I laughed as if it happened yesterday.

If you want to make your own Jar of Joy you can find a link to my tutorial here, but basically you just pretty up a good-sized jar ~ it's an incredibly simple and rewarding thing to do.

And now, I'm off to create my second entry to this year's jar. I'm gonna pour myself a snowball, crack open another box of Christmas chocs, and watch the funniest film of 2013.

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