Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Look What the Postman Brought III

I know, I shouldn't keep on sharing my shopping, but this is way to cool to keep to myself!

A vintage tapestry kit . . .of HMS Victory! It comes with original skeins of yarn, and at 27" x 22" it's ginormous! It just about ticks all the boxes ~ it's vintage, it's a craft kit, it's ocean-related, and it's a ship that lives in my home town of Portsmouth! I can't wait to get started :) But I think it could be a while. Regular readers might remember my last Look what the Postman Brought post, and the fabulous vintage tapestry kit that had just arrived. Well that was back at the beginning of May, and I've only done this much:

The kit was originally meant to be done in long stitch but I wanted it in regular half cross stitch as I'm going to make it into a cushion cover. I live with a dog who thinks she's allowed to sleep on the sofa, so I figured shorter stitches were safer! As a consequence it's taking me a lot longer to fill in, especially with all the other boring life-consuming stuff going on (housework, job etc!) Guess I had better get stitching :)

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