Wednesday, 7 November 2012

In Loving Memory

It's been quite a while since I blogged. 
In late September my Mum was diagnosed with cancer. After being hospitalised for the second time with severe anaemia they kept her in and ran several tests, eventually giving her 6 - 8 months to live.
She died on 2nd November.

My Mum taught me to knit. She taught me to bake. She turned her hand to many creative endeavours I've never had the patience for, including cake decorating and quilting. 


I will be taking a break from my blog for a little while to focus on my family. When death comes so close it always makes you re-evaluate your life, and I'm also going to use this time out to take stock and decide on the direction of my blog and shop for the coming year.

I hope to see you all again soon.